De Tesla Model 3: samenvatting van de eerste ronkende reviews

Als een ware Steve Jobs marcheerde Elon Musk over het podium. Zijn woorden benne groot, maar de daden van de nieuwe Model 3 zo mogelijk nog groter. De eerste commentaren lijken geschreven met tranen van ontroering.

Nou ja, eerst de executive summary maar: er zijn medicijnen tegen kanker gepresenteerd die minder warm werden onthaald. De Model 3 is bijna perfect, enige hobbel is het extreme minimalisme van het bedieningspaneel. Voor de rest krijgt alles vijf sterren. Een zesde zelfs, als het zou kunnen. Dit zeiden de fans:

Wired: "Everyone is excited for a reason. The arrival of Tesla's Model 3 signals a new chapter in automotive history, one that erases 100-plus years of the gas engine and replaces it with technology, design, and performance hot enough to make electric vehicles more than aspirational—to make EVs inspirational. (...) If Tesla gets this right, the Model 3 will be the iPhone of the car world, leading the way for a whole pack of imitators."

Engadget: "My only real qualm with the 3 is that the speedo and the rest of the rest of the instrument cluster are located on the upper left corner of the center console control panel, requiring you to take your eyes off the road every time want to see how fast you're going. Still, while the Roadster put Tesla on the map, the Model 3 really feels like the car that will bring electric vehicles as a whole into the mainstream."

Motor Trend: "For a compact car, the Model 3 feels incredibly light and airy. The dash is pulled ahead and pressed down, but cleverly, the touchscreen is apart from that, close to your right hand. (...) If anybody was expecting a typical boring electric sedan here, nope. The ride is Alfa Giulia (maybe even Quadrifoglio)–firm, and quickly, I’m carving Stunt Road like a Sochi Olympics giant slalomer, micrometering my swipes at the apexes. (...) The Tesla Model 3 is here, and it is the most important vehicle of the century. Yes, the hyperbole is necessary."

Top Gear: "The overall feeling of peace and quiet is helped by the uncluttered interior but the sound deadening and insulation of the Model 3 is impressive with road noise minimal. The steering is meaty and positive, but beyond that on such a short drive the overall impression was that it delivers a very similar driving experience to the Model S or X and stays true to previous product dynamics."

Business Insider: "The bottom line is that the Model 3 is as compelling in its own right as the Model S was before it. No, it's not as nice a vehicle as the Model S, and CEO Elon Musk has repeatedly noted this. But it's extremely nice. At its price point, about $45,000 for the fancier version, the Model 3 is going to blow many, many minds. This is easily the most attractive entry-level luxury, all-electric car on the market. I drove it for no time at all, but I've driven pretty much every other all-electric car you can buy, and I can safely say that the Model 3 has no competition."

Voor wie dit allemaal wat ambigu en onduidelijk vindt, hierbij een versimpelde samenvatting: Jezus is terug en Jezus is een Model 3.