In zowel Australië (2x Haas) en Bahrein (Ferrari) ging het mis bij de bandenwissel. Beide Haas-coureurs moesten zeer kostbare punten opgeven, maar zetten hun auto netjes aan de kant, en Kimi Raikkonen (voor wie het de derde unsafe release in vier seizoenen was) reed onbedoeld zijn monteur het ziekenhuis in. Ferrari kreeg €50.000 boete, Haas moest 10 mille ophoesten.
Race director Charlie Whiting is van mening dat de incidenten een structureel karakter aan het krijgen zijn:
“It’s looking like less and less like a coincidence but the two incidences in Melbourne were quite clearly wheelgun operator error. [...] They cross threaded the nuts and thought it was tight, came off and then realised a little too late it wasn’t. [With the incident in Bahrain], the guy hadn’t even taken the wheel off, which is slightly perplexing.”
Om deze reden gaat de FIA de pneumatische werktuigen onder de loep nemen, teneinde uit te vlooien wat er precies fout ging, en toekomstige incidenten te voorkomen. Whiting:
“Alonso lost a wheel in testing if you remember we went through it all with McLaren, they gave us a report in the week. We discussed it with the Technical Working Group to understand it all, to make sure everybody else realises these things can happen, everyone tries to learn from them. What happened was that the design of the nose piece that goes into the axle, that is the thing that holds the two-stage retention mechanism. But the way that is fixed into the axle was not quite strong enough so the wheel was a little bit loose, it worked itself loose because it had done four laps prior to that.
“So when the wheel started to tip a little bit, it put abnormal loads into the things that were holding the nose in and once the nose came out, there was no retention. So a lesson to be learnt there - that was shared with everyone in the Technical Working Group so that they can all look at that and make sure their designs aren’t similar. “Of course they said ours won’t do that...”
Overigens heeft KettingBeer na zijn eerste video een aanvullende video gepost over het Raikkonen-Cigarini-incident van zondag: