OFFICIEEL. Red Bull rijdt vanaf 2019 met Hondamotor

Vanochtend was er het gerucht, nu is er - sneller dan verwacht - de bevestiging: Red Bull Racing rijdt de komende twee seizoenen met een Honda-krachtbron en zegt au revoir tegen Renault.

Na twaalf jaar, acht wereldtitels en 57 GP-overwinningen (het kunnen er nog meer worden), is het over en uit tussen Red Bull en Renault. Het team maakte zojuist bekend dat het in 2019 en 2020 met Honda in zee gaat. Ook deze jaren blijft de naam 'Aston Martin Red Bull Racing' behouden.

Teambaas Christian Horner: “This multi-year agreement with Honda signals the start of an exciting new phase in Aston Martin Red Bull Racing’s efforts to compete not just for grand prix wins but for what is always our goal – championship titles. 

"We have always taken decisions such as this dispassionately and with only one criteria in mind – do we believe the outcome will allow us to compete at a higher level. After careful consideration and evaluation we are certain this partnership with Honda is the right direction for the Team.” He added: “We have been impressed by Honda’s commitment to F1, by the rapid steps they have made in recent times with our sister team Scuderia Toro Rosso, and by the scope of their ambition, which matches our own. We look forward to working with Honda in the coming years and to racing together in pursuit of F1’s biggest prizes.”

Later meer.

Er kan ook nog een dankwoordje af voor Renault, hoewel we vermoeden dat Cyril Abiteboul c.s. onderstaande woorden als vervanger voor het Franse roze toiletpapier gebruiken:

We would like to thank Renault for the past 12 years, a period during which we experienced some incredible moments together. We have sometimes had our differences but Renault has always worked tirelessly and to the best of its ability to provide us with a competitive power unit. That is still the case today and we would like to thank the Renault team, and particularly the guys in our garage at every race, for their unstinting commitment and we look forward to ending our partnership on a high come the end of this season. Our focus for the rest of this year is still very much on delivering the best results possible in the 2018 Championship and we wish Renault Sport all the best for the future.

Red Bull heeft Renault lang in spanning gehouden, eigenlijk hadden de Fransen al in mei een deadline gesteld. Nu weten ze in ieder geval zeker dat ze zich vanaf volgend jaar alleen op het eigen fabrieksteam en McLaren hoeven te richten.